Farming Tips for Beginners: Growing Flowers and Produce for Profit

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You not only enjoy gardening, but you also have a gift for it. So, now you want to turn your hobby into a money-maker. Growing for a market is a great way to earn extra income, especially if you already have the space to plant your crops. Whether you are looking to sell flowers or fruits and vegetables, here are a few tips to help you get started.

What Do You Need?

Like any other venture, you need to invest time, effort, and, most of all, money. If you have been gardening for a while, you at least already have experience and knowledge on how to plant and keep a plant alive.

However, a bigger operation has different needs. Aside from land, you also may want to look at which equipment you can utilize to make your tasks easier. You can start looking for equipment. For example, you can find Taege drill and parts in NZ that are for sale. The most common tools you need are air-blast sprayer, small tractor, mower, and carts.

Is Your Land Suitable for Production?

Before you start sowing, are you sure that your land is ideal for farming? Having soil to grow plants is only one factor that you need to consider when it comes to choosing the site where you will establish your new venture.

First, you must assess whether the land gets ample sunlight every day and identify the type of soil you have as well as the PH level. These things affect plant growth and, therefore, your profit. You also must determine which flowers or fruits and vegetables to grow. There are flowers that are low-maintenance but will generate a sizeable profit later on. Meanwhile, smaller trees take up less space and produce fruits faster. Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, radishes, and other salad greens are easy vegetables to grow even for beginners.

Make it Official

Settle all your local legal requirements by going directly to a government office. Secure all the licenses and permits you need in order to run your farm early so that you do not encounter any problems down the line. Failing to do so will probably get you penalized which will stop your business from growing.

Where to Sell?

Bigger farms are delivering their produce to supermarkets, but you have other options available to you. Nowadays, it is hip among young people to shop in farmer’s markets. Some look online to buy fresh fruits and vegetables and get them delivered to their homes. Find which options work for you and the area wherein you operate.

Learn as You Go

Flower gardening

Do not worry about not being an expert at the beginning. Although you need basic knowledge on how to run a business and how to plant, starting while you are still a novice will not doom your new venture to fail.

It is okay to learn as you go. Talk to local farmers. If they will allow you, you can help them out and gain some hands-on experience along the way. Agriculture jobs are not easy and, in some parts, can actually be dangerous. Having a mentor who knows how things work to guide you will help your journey of becoming a farmer and running a successful farm.

Brace yourself because the first few months and years might be challenging. However, eventually, you will be able to settle into the routine and earn all the necessary skills to run a farm.

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